Thursday, May 21, 2009

Flu Scare

KYOTO CITY, Friday (22 May 2009) - Government and school authorities here have declared a week-long holiday to minimize the spread of the new flu virus that was detected in a 10-year old boy. It is Kyoto's first reported case of the H1N1 virus.

It's rainy today and the kids are at home. The kids are excited to be home, but my wife and I are thinking to keep their days occupied, productive and fun. I already heard the word "bored" three hours after they wake up.:) Think of five more days to go (at the least) before they go back to school.

God is good. God is great. God is glorious. Why not spend time worshiping Him?

Monday, May 18, 2009

H1N1 Virus Important Advisory

The above site contains the latest news about the flu situation in Japan. Please keep praying for God's power, mercy and salvation to manifest in all and the worst of situations.

For those living in Kyoto City, here are some reminders:

1. Please keep yourself informed. Information on prevention and other precautionary measures are advised. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

a. Frequent and careful washing of hands with antibacterial soap (at least for three minutes). Otherwise, use hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes.
b. Gargle using any commercially available gargling solution especially after coming back home.
c. Avoid heavily populated areas. Wear a mask while in public.

2. When an infection is suspected:

a. Make sure to check your temperature first.
b. Don't go directly to any medical institution or pharmacy for quick-fix medication. Try calling this number first for important instructions and to minimize the risk of spreading the disease.

KYOTO FLU HOTLINE: 075-414-4726

3. Please let us know also of your situation so that we can make arrangements on how to be of assistance to you. ASSEMBLY KYOTO CHURCH: 075-311-5193 (Pastor Keiko Murakami); 090-9996-5811 (Pastor Satoshi Nagasawa); 080-5029-2540 (Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso).

4. Stay calm and be in prayer. "Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him."

5. In case of a city-wide shutdown (schools/public areas), we still intend to hold prayer meetings and worship services, but there will be no campus Bible Studies and other weekly activities. Check this site often for more information.

Your servant for Christ's sake,

Pastor Joseph Ricohermoso

Friday, May 15, 2009

Answered Prayer!

"To God be the glory for the things He has done!"

This year, my family will mark our 8th year of ministry in Japan and our third year in Kyoto City. Time flies so fast indeed.

Our ministry is getting extended since we received our new missionary visa last Wednesday (May 13th), on the same date as my spiritual birthday. Speaking of my spiritual birthday (being born again), I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ through the Vacation Bible School (VBS) that I attended in my hometown some 24 years ago. Thanks to Engr. Noel Constantino, who shared to me the Gospel, and to Pastor Ruel Penaloza who led the said outreach ministry at the time.

My family also wants to say, "Thanks" to all of you who have supported and prayed for us concerning this matter. Here's another testimony to God's unfailing grace and providence.

Our visa extension comes with a fresh mandate to continue our mission work here. Please pray that God would use us mightily in spreading His word and in the building up of His church.

The Ricohermoso family

Friday, May 8, 2009

Prayer Request

Visa Extension

My family has filed our visa extension request to the Immigration Branch Office here in Kyoto City. Our current missionary visa will expire on June 2, 2009. Lord-willing, we still hope to extend our stay here and to continue doing what God has called us to do.

Thank you very much for interceding for us.

Pastor Joseph

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I've been busy with my new "baby"!

NO! Not a crying, diaper-wetting baby. I mean the new social network I've created. It's actually a prayer network called Japan Prayer Link (JPL for short). That's what's keeping me busy lately: moderating and answering questions and messages from all over the world.

The challenge for me is to keep ideas flowing. Writing for me as a hobby is also an exercise to keep in touch with the creative side. Inspiration is a necessary motivation.

We'll what else is new?

Yesterday (Sunday, May 3rd) was our 10th international service anniversary. My co-worker, Keiko-sensei and I stumbled upon our church records and discovered a few weeks earlier that this event was forthcoming. Needless to say, we had to prepare a special program for the occasion and a customary celebration after the service. We didn't have enough time to promote it though.

The program's other features (in addition to what we usually do on regular Sundays) included a reading of the church's history, a presentation of the Senior Pastor's vision for the local church and a testimony from a living witness through the years of AKC ministry, and a special song rendered by the YA Sunday School Group.

The food was distinctly Japanese except for the leche flan (pudding) that my wife cooked. Thanks to the faithful and supportive ministry of some ladies (and men too!) in the church.

(Photos of the event to follow)