Friday, November 20, 2009

Time Flies So Fast


After our Missions Month in October, we have a series of big events this month namely, our host Japanese church's 62nd anniversary and the African Night. The former event featured Pastor Hisoka Murakami as the main presenter of the church's vision for next year and beyond. His associate pastor, Satoshi Nagasawa challenged the congregation to support the church's outreach ministries especially in Kyoto City's university campuses. Likewise, my beloved wife, Jo Ann also painted in words the things God is doing in and through our English ministries particularly the international service, the English language classes and the Bible classes at church. The event was prolonged, but the sushi afterwards was worth the wait.

The African Night was a huge success, if numbers were the gauge. The turn out was really good last November 15th. Our brothers and sisters from Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe led the worship service. Their songs (some were in English, Zulu and Swahili) were definitely fantastic. The food they served were savory, delicious and truly African! I wish they do it again:) Bravo zulu to Patroba, Kepha and his wife Sarah, Vimbai, Naomi, Leena and Keith.

There were many others who worked behind the scene. Thanks Masako-san, her daughter and Ena Garcia for the decorations; Fukui-sensei and Halka-san for the translation; Cerrone for the technical assistance; Numata-sensei for the reception; and, a number of significant others who worked in the kitchen, fellowship room and in the lobby. Glory to God!!!

What's next?

Actually on Sunday, November 22nd we are holding our own version of THANKSGIVING. Yes! We are preparing a special program on that day not only for the worship service, but also for the fellowship afterwards. It's suppose to be a secret, but it may be difficult to hide a roasted turkey on the menu. I don't need to say more except that we want you to be there and be prepared to share the things you are thankful for. This may come quite belatedly, but the cost of the food is 500 yen per person;)

God bless!

Monday, November 2, 2009

An African Night

How much do you know about Africa?

What images of Africa do you have?

Do you fancy yourself going to Africa?


The Assembly Kyoto Church



African Night

You are invited

to join us in celebrating the

people, culture and continent of Africa

        When: 15 November 2009, 5:00p.m.

Where: Asssembly Kyoto Church, Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishishichijo, Nishiishigatsubo-cho 38 Tel.No.: 075-311-5193 Food cost: 200yen(Please pay as you enter)

Meet new African friends, enjoy their music and taste authentic African dishes.