It's a beautiful sight to see. Over a dozen university students from S. Korea did a ministry presentation of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) before the international congregation of the Assembly Kyoto Church last Sunday, 11 January 2009. Indeed, the passion and sincerity of these young people are infectious.
Changhoon Jung, a fellow missionary who occasionally attends our services together with his family, introduced to us the team as they're doing their short-term missions trip to Japan. I already have prior idea of what YWAM stands for and its creative ministries geared towards the youth way back in college. I have friends who were involved with this organization in the Philippines. So, when Brother Jung mentioned about the team, I was really eager to have them come and minister to us.
The presentation included a personal testimony by a student who had the experience of doing ministry in Jordan. It was followed by a skit depicting broken hearts and the masks people wear to hide them. The message of the skit powerfully presents the Gospel in such a way that visually communicates people's need for God and His supernatural love that forgives and heals them. The group also rendered a heartfelt song in English and in Japanese.
It's a blessing in so many ways. For the believers in attendance, I think the team left us a silent call to be more passionate about God and to never lose sight of the Great Commission to reach the lost for Christ. For the non-Christian guests that day, they had the opportunity to see, hear and experience the love of God through everything that transpired. And, to the lady who went to Jordan? Well, she had the surprise of her life. She interfaced with Mohanad, a Jordanian Christian, who attends our services and is an exchange student at Kyoto University!
Needless to say, everthing went well for the glory of God. Even my children had a great time with the team, gaining them some instant friends. My daughter, Joyce (6), bonded with one of the ladies that both of them welled up in tears before saying goodbye. Oh, how sweet the fellowship indeed!
To my wife, Jo Ann, thanks for the supper that night.
To Brother Jung and family, we will miss you as you go on furlough to Australia.
To the rest of us, arise shine for the Light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon us!
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