October is harvest time in Japan. It’s amazing that God uses many people to bless us with farm produce even though we live in the city and don’t own any land. We’ve received rice, sweet potatoes, apples, and chili peppers to name a few.
This month is also a good reminder of the harvest we are suppose to be doing – the harvest of souls in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Thus, we have introduced our annual Missions emphasis month at the Assembly Kyoto Church since 2007.
This year, our messages are not only centered on this ministry. We are doing some practical applications too. First, we identified several missionaries now serving overseas. We communicated with them and asked for information on how they are doing personally, in their ministries and as a family. We made it a point to introduce them to the church during the services and to also pray for them. The congregation also prepared letters/cards of encouragement for them.
We also encourage everyone to increase their giving. As an international congregation, we prepare “sacrificial meals” after every worship meeting. Those who join are then giving donations that they have decided in their hearts.
In the last few weeks, the Philippines experienced extraordinary battering of typhoons that killed, displaced and traumatized many people. The church has decided to support ministries that help those most affected. From October 18-25, we are collecting and packing relief goods to be sent to various places in the Philippines. We are looking at ten big boxes of supplies filled with clothing, food items and other basic necessities.
The month is not yet over and we will keep on talking about prayer, missions, giving and personal evangelism. We are exhorting our flock to make missions a part of their daily life. We are also featuring a missionary couple attending our service to give a testimony about the challenges and joys of doing missions.
Click here for the link on the music video of the song, “You Said” on You Tube:
“He (Jesus) told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Luke 10:2, NIV