Wednesday, October 5, 2011

September Highlights

“I’ll see you in September when summer is gone,” Sonny Curtis wrote this line in his song a generation or so ago. This somehow is true for many in our international congregation who are now back after being away for vacation. But, this past month will probably be best remembered for two significant events that took place in the church, namely: the Allan Alipio & Michelle Anne Tonks’ wedding; and, the visit of Rev. Dominic Yeo together with one of his pastors in Singapore, Pastor Derrick Yeo.

It’s a historic first for the international congregation to witness an international marriage from among its attendees after the 5 o’clock service here in church last September 18th. Allan is from the Philippines and Michelle is from Australia. There was another international wedding before but it was held somewhere else.

Select guests attended this solemn occasion from both the Christian community and some Japanese friends. The Ricohermoso children formed part of the entourage, while Atsuko Waka and Haruka Shitabayashi provided the special songs and church musicians accompanied them. Pastor Keiko Murakami delivered the homily with translation by Moto Harada while yours truly, officiated the ceremony. Michelle’s mother was also in attendance. The joyful celebration was a tribute to the redeeming power and love of God who brought this couple together after an untoward incident in their relationship.

On the other hand, Rev. Dominic Yeo who is the Senior Pastor of the 7000 plus members of Trinity Christian Center and the current General Superintendent for the Assemblies of God in Singapore came to preach with power to our congregants on September 25th. He exhorted the people to step in faith and claim breakthroughs for their lives and for the church. When it’s time for the altar call, most of them came forward for prayer and in response to the challenge. The spiritual exercise continued till late as people stayed on for corporate prayer. It was truly a real blessing to behold!

Rev. Yeo and his associate were in Japan for the Kansai Conference of the AOG. Seven representatives from the English service participated in the said conference and so were doubly blessed to hear Rev. Yeo when he spoke again at the church.

Many things are happening in and out of the church that space limitation prevents me from detailing to you the work of God among us. Anyway, please continue to pray for our Missions Month in October and wait for my next report on the forthcoming retreat. God bless us all!