Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Metaphor



I am a caterpillar. I hardly make a sound.


I look for lots of leaves to eat up high and on the ground.


And as I eat, my body grows. I am ready for a change.


I wrap up in a chrysalis (cocoon); it looks so very strange.


Though it may seem to those who watch that inside I could die, our God is making something new-


See, now, a BUTTERFLY!


Our Savior works in this same way. He died for you one day. He rose again on Easter morn to take your sins away.


“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)


Through faith, believe in this great gift. He’ll make your heart brand new! And just like me you’ll be transformed; he gives new life to you!




I’d like you to meet my friend Chris. We’ve been friends for a very long time.


Wow! It looks like Chris is pretty tired. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the oldest caterpillar in the world!


Leader: Chris, tell us, how did you become the oldest caterpillar in the world?


Chris: Well, to be honest, my life wasn’t supposed to be like this. I was born to fly. My dad was a flyer. So was my mom. My grandpa was a radical flyer. He did things most flyers never dream of doing. And I was determined to be the greatest flyer of them all!

クリス う~ん 正直言って僕の人生はこんなはずじゃなかったんだ。僕は飛ぶために生まれたんだよ。僕のお父さんは飛んでいたし、お母さんもさ。お爺さんなんかサイコーだった、誰も想像出来ない位すごかったものさ。だから僕は誰よりも素晴らしく飛ぶんだって心に決めたんだ!

Leader: What kept you from flying Chris?


Chris: I’m not exactly sure. I worked harder than any other caterpillar around. I exercised. I ate the right vegetation. I got the proper sleep. I even read Flyer’s Weekly where I learned techniques from the best of the best. But then came the day of covering.

クリス  よくわからないよ。僕は周りの誰よりも一生懸命働いたし、練習もした。体にいい野菜を食べ、適切な睡眠を取り、最高の飛行技術を学ぶ為に、フライヤーズウィークリーを読んだりしてね。でもやがて「カバーリングの日」がやってきたんだよ。

Leader: The “covering”?


Chris: I will never forget it. I was sitting on a leaf, minding my own business, when something started to cover me. My parents said “the covering” was how they became new creatures. They said it was the day they became free to one day soar through the sky!

クリス 僕はきっと絶対に忘れないと思うよ。僕が葉っぱの上に座って、仕事の事なんかを考えていると、何かが僕を覆い始めたんだ。両親からはカバーリングは新しい生き物に生まれ変わる為だって聞かされていた。それはいつか自由に大空を飛び回れる為の日だって言うんだよ。

But I wasn’t expecting it. What was happening? I was afraid. So I squirmed out from underneath it.



Oh, I knew I was supposed to change into a chrysalis, and then a few weeks later, I’d change again to become a butterfly. But I saw a chrysalis once. It sort of freaked me out. It looked dead! How could anything good come out of that? What if I didn’t come out at all?


So every time it starts to happen, I squirm away. Now I’m the oldest caterpillar ever. And I never become a flyer.

Maybe one of these days … it seems kind of risk, but maybe one day…




Leader: What do you think? What has Chris missed? Why won’t he allow himself to be covered?

貴方はどう思いますか? クリスは何を失ったのでしょうか?


The Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor 5:17).


Jesus came to earth so that through his life, his death on the cross, and his resurrection, he could make us new.


He came to cover all our sin and disobedience. But He didn’t just cover it up; He took it away!


He makes us his new people. He gives us His own purity, his own goodness, his own holiness, so we can live as God’s friends now and forever.

イエスは私達を新しくして下さいます。キリストにあって 聖くし、善いもので満たし、聖なる者としてくださいます。その結果、私達は永遠に神の友として生きる事が出来るのです。

We don’t have to earn this new life. We don’t have to work and strive to get it. New Life is a free gift. Do you want to accept that gift?


In Jesus, you have become a new creation! Just as God turns caterpillars into beautiful butterflies, he has made you his beautiful new creation through faith in what Jesus did for you on the cross! You are new!


Let’s thank Jesus for his great gift of new life!


“Dear Jesus, thank you for making me your new creation. Thank you for covering my sin, my mistakes, and my selfishness with the blood of your cross. Thank you for giving me your very own goodness in place of my sin. Make me strong in faith so I can live out the new life you created me to live. I love you Lord Jesus! Amen.

「 愛する主よ、私を新しく造り変えて下さる事をありがとうございます。私の罪、犯してきた間違い、我儘を十字架で流された血潮によって覆い尽くして下さって感謝します。私の罪の代わりに貴方ご自身の善きものを与えて下さいます事をありがとうございます。どうぞ私の信仰を強めて下さって、貴方が私の内に創って下さった、新しい命に生きる事が出来るようにして下さい。主イエス様、貴方を愛します。アーメン。」

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